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Suppliers Directory

Knitting and Crochet

Includes suppliers which emphasize the techniques, offering advice, patterns, information and charitable opportunities.

The Wool Emporium Inc.
Glenda Hudson
1009 8th St. E.
Saskatoon, SK S7H 0S2 Canada
306-374-7849        Contact The Wool Emporium Inc.

The Wool Emporium is a knitting/spinning/weaving shop in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. We offer classes in anything that is fibre related but with an emphasis on knitting. Fax: 306-374-2432.

The Yarn Shop and Fiber Place
Barbara French
25 N. Willson
Bozeman, MT 59715 US
866-585-8335     website      

The Yarn Shop has a range of natural and synthetic yarns, knitting, and crochet patterns, knitting needles etc. Knitting and weaving classes are available. Mail orders are welcome. 406-585-8335

Threads in Time
Lynn Landy-Rody
426 Victoria Avenue East
Thunder Bay, ONTARIO P7C 1A5 Canada
807-626-9023     website              Contact Threads in Time

Fiber arts store and school. Mail order. Natural and exotic fibers and yarn. alpaca. Hand-dyed and cashmere, silk blends, bamboo, cotton, linen yarns, supplies for knitting, rug weaving, spinning, needle felting. Embellishments, silk ribbon and cord, dyes. Ashford, Louet spinning wheels. Leclerc, Ashford looms. Accessories.

Norma Melton
248.544.1911     website              Contact WireKnitZ

Woodland Woolworks
100 E Washington St
Carlton, OR 97111 US
800-547-3725     website              Contact Woodland Woolworks

Many books on all topics, dyes, weaving, spinning equipment and fibers. $3 for a complete catalog, order toll-free. Non-orders, call (503) 662-3641, Fax: 1-503-852-6685. Mail us at PO Box 850.

Wool Creations Fibre Art Studio
Vivian Webb
3309 232nd Street
Langely, BC V2Z 2H5 Canada

Weaving and knitting yarns, raw and processed fibres for the spinner. French rayon scarf kits, rag rug custon orders. One-on-one instructions for beginner knitters and weavers. Open Wed-Sat. or by appt.

2-190 Colonnade Rd S
Ottawa, ON K2E 7J5 CANADA
1-888-241-7653     website              Contact Wool-Tyme

Woo-Tyme's outlet store is in Nepean but offers 24 hr. mail order convenience. Prices in $CA or $US.

YarnCraft Ltd
PO Box 1360
Bradford, WEST YORKSHIRE BD5 5EB England
    website              Contact YarnCraft Ltd

Yarn Craft is believed to be the first online only knitting brand. Their wool is renowned for its quality and low cost, selling 100g balls for as little as 99p. Since being launched at the start of 2012 Yarn Craft has consistently brought out new ranges with new offers, and has supplied a new free knitting pattern each month. Their knitting wool can only be purchased from the Yarn-Craft website and due to this they ensure that there are no problems with re-sellers tarnishing the their ever growing brand image. Visit the yarn craft website to see their latest range of wools and free knitting pattern, alongside their most recent addition, knitting needles.

Zhejiang Fengfan NC Machinery Co., Ltd
Fengfan NC
Western Industrial Zone, Changxing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
Huzhou, ZHEJIANG 313113 China
86-400-8092999     website              Contact Zhejiang Fengfan NC Machinery Co., Ltd

Zhejiang Fengfan NC Machinery Co., Ltd focus on manufacturing and sale of knitting machinery. Company mainly manufacturer the computerized flat knitting machine and 3D vamp knitting machine. The computerized flat knitting machine is mainly used for sweater and 3D vamp knitting machine used for sport shoes.

607 Deemer Pl, New Castle, DE 19720, United States
New Castel, DE 19720 United States
2137886748     website              Contact zidigitizng

we provide the best quality of custom print-ready vector artwork.

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