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Organization Links

Adopt-A-Native Elder Program (Navajo weavers)

A non-profit organization which enables elder Navajo (Dine') to live in the traditional manner. Financed through yarn donations, an on-line rug gallery and annual Rug Show and Sale. POB 3401, Park City, UT 84060 Phone: (435) 649-0535 e-mail:

afghans for Afghans

afghans for Afghans is a humanitarian and educational people-to-people project that is sending hand-knit and crocheted blankets to the beleaguered people of Afghanistan.

Albuquerque Fiber Arts Council

The Council annually funds individual and guild scholarships, sponsors the Fiber Arts Fiesta biennial art exhibit in odd years with the cooperation of the Council's 19 participating guilds. The Fiber Arts Education Committee offers opportunities in keeping with the Council's educational mission, such as exhibits at libraries, the airport, and other public venues. The Spring Show is a relatively new show (begun in 2016) and is held biennially in even years. The electronic Fiber Arts Newsletter (eFAN) is available for download.

Arizona Federation of Weavers and Spinners Guilds, Inc.

The Arizona Federation represents guilds from all over Arizona, and sponsors a biennial conference of fiber arts in even-numbered years. Newsletters subscriptions are available.

Center for Traditional Textiles of Cusco

Descendants Of The Incas fulfills one of the major goals of the Center For Traditional Textiles of Cusco, Peru: to share information with you and others about the Native American culture of the Andes. The Center's overall purpose is to help preserve and celebrate Andean textiles and assist their makers in carrying on a tradition practiced for more than 2000 years. The Center is fortunate to have Nilda CallaƱaupa living in Cusco, Peru serving as Project Coordinator.

Craft Emergency Relief Fund

Without immediate help, a natural disaster, theft, fire or illness can put a craftsperson out of business. Your contribution helps provide the immediate assistance craftspeople need to get back on their feet and back to work.

Knit or crochet for charity

Please join Love-Squared by sending knit or crochet 8x8 inch squares. These squares will be joined with other donated squares to make afghans for our nation's homeless children. Family House in Toledo, OH will be receiving the first group of afghans. Please visit or for more information or to contact me. Thanks in advance for your help! Leah

Knockando Woolmill Trust

Spey Valley, Scotland. The Knockando mill has been producing woolen blankets for over 200 years, and recent efforts to raise the several million pounds necessary to restore and maintain the building and equipment have succeeded,

Quilt Guilds and Quilt Shows

These pages list quilt guild information as submitted by their members. Here you will find complete information on quilt guilds near you - a meeting place, days and times, dues, the number of members, interest in taking in new members, etc. all in one place!

Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA)

Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc. (SAQA) is a nonprofit membership organization of fiber artists. Its mission is to promote the art quilt through education, professional development, exhibitions, and documentation. 2009 is its 20th anniversary, and SAQA will have over 2,300 members in 31 countries.

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