Ads for used equipment and supplies can be found in many places on the web. We've tried to provide an easy way to locate what you want by simply searching with a keyword or two. If you interested in selling used equipment or supplies, you might try one of the sites listed on the Tips page. It's best not to use your primary e-mail address for these ads, however, as you will likely receive additional spam. Many ads on the volunteer sites tend to linger, so be prepared to wait if you want your price. And please, don't hassle them! It can be a thankless job; instead, consider trying to help in some way.
One of the more effective methods of selling your extra supplies or equipment is to set up an eBay account where things often sell quickly, sometimes at higher than expected prices. If you don't want to set up your own eBay account, have a friend who does list for you. You don't need an account to look, however - check under crafts. Another good way to sell big things like looms is Craigslist.
AND, don't forget you can always post a free ad here by going to the List Current Ad page and using the Post Free Ad on the right side.